Plum – Creating a difference through new approaches

Founded in July 2014, beauty & personal care brand Plum soon rose to be a name to reckon with. Its founders always believed in taking a holistic view of consumer, brand and product, and this has been the driving force behind the company, which has grown to be a 150-member-strong organisation from just three back in the day.
The brand continues to stay true to its ethos of helping people choose and champion real goodness. Plum enjoys a year-on-year revenue growth of 2.5x, matched by a similar growth of its customer base.
While it began with skincare, the brand is now present in haircare, bath & body (with Plum BodyLovin’), makeup and men’s care (with brand Phy) segments as well.
The brand is also actively working to expand internationally. Back in 2014, Plum was the first brand to say no to fairness creams. It was also the first brand to give 1% of its revenue to earth-friendly causes.