Pallavi Desai

Founder, Creatures of Habit
14:00 – 14:45 hrs

Ballroom - B 06 April 2022 - Ballroom - B

PANEL DISCUSSION: THINK GLOBAL: Building Your D2C Brand Globally and Selling to the International Customer

Today, hundreds of major brands including Adidas, Dyson and Asus are opening eBay storefronts, leveraging it as a channel to sell direct to consumers (D2C). How can you capitalize on building your reach with a global partner and at-scale marketplace.


  • How D2C brands can build reach to international customers and what is the international customer looking for from Indian brands
  • What are the hottest categories that Indian products can make a mark in
  • Brand building techniques - How to reach out your brand to the world at minimal investment
  • Enablers for D2C brands to sell globally – What are the avenues available

Best practices in cross border selling and onboarding of D2C Brand with global partners and at-scale marketplaces